Saturday, April 2, 2011

Three things that destroy

Should you waste time talking to fools when you could be talking to Christ?

1. Anger destroys beyond our ability to measure. The wounds inflicted by anger can never be healed by a simple apology.
2. Pride-root of all sins. Displaces God and offers ourself as a substitute.
3. Unforgiveness - the bitterness of spirit that condemns.

Three things that never come back

Leave your nets. Pride is a Darth Vader of virtues - a Destroyer. I am a zero and you are a zero we are all zeros but put Jesus as the number 1 in front of all us zeros and what a vast number we become.

There are three things---gifts from God----- that come once and never come back:
1. Time
2. Words
3. Opportunity

He does not will that time is waster. don't pass time, kill time, consecrate it to God. Sanctify time consecrate it to God in the morning Offering as soon as you wake I will serve. Time is passing you can never bring it back.

Be careful with your words - our speech. remember the woman who gossips. Her penance was to go through the town and spread all the goose feathers in a pillow and when she finished go and pick them all up. Of course she couldn't that is problem with gossip it does its damage and that is that cannot be undone.

Highest thing we can do is worship God and sing His praises this is the best use of our words. Be careful about banality in our worship - danger is we worship ourselves instead of God.

Our God has given us one day. Opportunity knocks but once. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not yet here. Give us this day our daily bread. Make best of life if live each day as if the first and the last and the only one.


Oh had I but served my God with half the zeal I served myself. Psalm 62. Your love, Your love is better than life. Father look with pity on us ppressed by the weight of oour sins and grant us forgiveness through Christ our Lord. Your attitude must be that of Christ...He emptied Himself and took the form of a slave (Phil 2: 5-7)

Friday, April 1, 2011

When we put ourself first and raise our self importance we are throw-up ugly. We cannot be uglier. But when we humble ourself and put ourself last we are serenely beautiful. Jesus is so beautiful to me. He is everything I hoped for, He is everything I need. He is so beautiful to me.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jesus is God and Guide

Already the axe is at the root of the trees, ready to strike; every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire. John the Baptist gave us some guidance on how to produce good fruit.......Repent sins, share your wealth and your gifts, treat people honestly and fairly, don't bully or abuse people, do not lie, gossip or speak badly about people, don't be jealous or envious.

Seek the Ruach HaKodesh find a lonely spot and pray. Rest and meditate on the Word. People have demands on you and will occupy all of your time but God has work He asks you to do for Him. You must do this. This is the only reason you are here.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I've Just Seen His Grace

I've just seen His grace and I can't forget the time or place where we just met He's just the God for me and I want all the world to see we've met. Had it been another day I might have looked the other way and I would never been aware but as it is I'll worship Him tonight. Falling yes I am falling but He keeps calling me back again

Friday, March 25, 2011

I left because I sensed that rejecting the 2,000-year context of Holy Tradition, the cornerstone Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura, left Lutheranism vulnerable to forces intent on manipulating the Bible to fit a modernist agenda. Love without the cross is mere passion. We no longer let Scripture define what love is. We define love ourselves, then use our fallen understanding of the term to reject parts of Scripture we disagree with. I do object when tyrants of tolerance automatically label dissenters "haters”)d.Barnabas Powell is pastor at St. Michael's Orthodox Church. He may be reached at .