Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Be like Jesus?

People say what would Jesus do? and act like you should do what Jesus did. Try it and even your friends and family will abandon you. But Jesus told us he came to do precisely that. When people in your church act crazy like the money changes did, try to turn over a table and see what your friends say. When you tell people who are acting evil that they are evil you are considered hot headed. Should we act like Jesus did or not. Or should we act like Jesus did when he acted like our friends and family thinks people in this world should act. while we cannot judge souls or who has salvation, we can, as Jesus did, judge bad behavior. Can I judge an attempt to stop people from praying in their church as evil? Yep. I can and I will. People are so afraid of offending somebody that they won't comment on bad behavior. I thank God I have not been so cursed. It is not only the right thing to do but it is an obligation to point out .....yes judge...... Bad behavior. If I am ostracized for this it is ok because I would rather have peace of mind and Spirit than acceptance.........anyday

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